The Only Thing We have to Sell is Fear Itself

Tim J. Leach
3 min readJan 27, 2021


I didn’t appreciate how much stress I had accumulated during Trump’s four year siege against our democracy until the stress I carried was released during the inauguration of President Biden and the incredible Celebration of America that followed. I am a sentimental guy, but I was surprised how hard it hit me to realize that decency is back, that honesty is back, that science is back, that good people who actually believe in our country and want to help improve it are back at the helm. I had a hard time keeping my eyes from leaking most of the night…

I found myself beginning to hope again for the future of our great country. I hoped that after the attempted coup on January 6, that the dangerous division that Trump worked so hard to widen would begin to heal. I was curious, so during the Celebration of America special, I switched over to Fox to see what was being said on the network that had become the propaganda engine for Trump’s democracy ending fever dreams.

Instead of broadcasting the Celebration of America, Fox went with Tucker Carlson. I had met Tucker 17 years ago in an art deco ballroom outside of Des Moines, Iowa. It was at the event where Howard Dean’s campaign ended with a scream. Tucker was there as a young commentator for Fox News, who always wore a signature bow tie. He was smart, quick with words and staunchly conservative, but he was not yet radical. After the raucous event ended, my progressive wife spotted Tucker coming down the press bleachers and made a bee line to talk with him. They talked for at least 20 minutes. Tucker impressed me at the time as being at least open to policy discussions with someone he disagreed with, while rooted in his beliefs.

I had heard that Tucker had become a controversial star on Fox along with Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham, but I hadn’t paid any attention, didn’t care to waste my time.

That night, while America was celebrated on the mainstream channels, Carlson was interviewing a guest, a black man I didn’t recognize. There was a banner at the bottom of the screen that read; ‘Biden talks of unity while Democrats work to take away your freedoms!’. Carlson and his guest were in the middle of a conversation and the guest said ‘and Democrats are comparing an unarmed protest to 9/11!’ Tucker was listening and nodding sagely. Then Carlson asked his guest what he thought about Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA. The guest responded that ‘Black Lives Matter is the modern version of the KKK’. Pause, silence. Then he explained, ‘After the Civil War, Democrats created the KKK to terrorize Americans. Now Democrats created Black Lives Matter for the same purpose. They are coming for you!’

Carlson nodded soberly and said to his guest, ‘I love how clearly you explain this…’ That is when I turned Fox off. Is Tucker Carlson radicalized or merely selling his soul?

FDR was referring to the disabling effects of fear when facing a powerful foe when he made his famous quote.

Franklin may not have appreciated that fear can be weaponized. If powerful leaders stoke fear in their followers, empowered fear becomes anger. If their anger is fed, white hot anger becomes hatred. Blinded by anger and hatred, many turn to feverish conspiracies for relief and salvation.

We are a country that behaves like a family with critical addiction issues.

If fear is pot, anger is meth and hatred is heroin.

The Murdoch cartel has found its rich vein to sell for corrosive power and continues to push even after Trump’s reign ended. Turns out cultural division sells…



Tim J. Leach
Tim J. Leach

Written by Tim J. Leach

Semi retired Wall Street exec., Chairman of MN8 Energy and three NY investment companies

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